by Ruth Kinuthia
Farmers have played and continue to play a crucial role in ensuring that there is sufficient food to feed the populace. Farmers must be able to manage the farm, the harvest, the livestock, and the capital to ensure a fruitful harvest and beneficial business. Nonetheless, farming is not a lone enterprise; it constitutes a greater community that gives the required support for its success. In this memoir, we will discuss the importance of the community for the growth/success of a farmer.
The community furnishes farmers with a series of support and resources, as well as labour, an arena for commercial dealings, access to information, and funding. Farmers can depend on their acquaintances, government agencies, and regional institutions to supply them with the assets they need to achieve the desired aim or result. Below are some ways in which the community brings about the success of farmers.

The community provides labour for the farmers: Farming is an activity that requires a large amount of labour to produce its goods, and farmers need help to manage their farms efficiently. The community provides labour in the form of farm workers, who help farmers in weeding, cultivating, and harvesting their crops. This labour aids farmers to grow their production, and it also provides recruitment opportunities for members of the community.
Access to information: Farmers need to stay informed about the most recent agricultural approaches, modernization, and best practices such as soil management, and pest control. The community provides farmers with access to information via agricultural research institutions, other support organizations, training programs, services that offer technical advice on agriculture, and workshops. These resources help farmers better their understanding and expertise, which eventually leads to a more successful farming operation; improved productivity, and profitability. This knowledge empowers farmers to embrace sustainable farming practices.
Access to markets: Farmers need to sell their commodities to make earnings and profit. The community provides farmers with access to markets through local farmers’ markets, restaurants, grocery stores, and ‘kiosks’. These markets assist farmers connect with end users and sell their commodities at a fair price.
Access to funding: Farming can be a costly venture, and farmers frequently need capital to buy machinery, land, and inputs. The community provides farmers with access to funding through agricultural organizations, government programs, and local banks. This funding can help farmers start or expand their businesses and invest in modernized techniques and equipment.
Besides these resources, the community also provides psycho-social support to farmers. Farming can sometimes be a sad and isolating activity, and farmers often face difficulties that are beyond their control, like weather conditions, pests, and diseases. The community provides farmers with a sense of acceptance, togetherness, and support, which helps them address these challenges and keep up their incentive for farming.
In conclusion, the farmer and community relationship is a concerted correlation that assists both farmers and the community, and it is necessary for the future of agriculture.