The Value of Access

An Amana Market Community Meeting

For smallholder farmers, the importance of market access cannot be overemphasised. For them, access to reliable markets means a boost in productivity, income and food security. Market access greatly contributes to a reduction in poverty and hunger in communities whose primary source of income is agriculture. In many rural agricultural communities across Africa, you find […]

Why Trust?

A man walks to a stall in the market, he purchases foodstuff he expects to last his family the whole month and realizes he needs more cash. Leaving his goods there, he tells the trader he will be right back. He walks off leaving his goods and cash with the trader. He is not concerned […]

Trust: Because We Kept Showing Up

Even though Halima was not present for the CSA day in Abuja in 2021, she told me how excited she was about the success of the event and how she hoped to attend one in the future. When describing the event, she said, “We are happy that our company is growing and we trust that it will be better for us all.”

I Can See a Future…

There are very few joys in life that surpass coming face to face with people that have been impacted by your work, especially if most of your work revolves around a computer screen. As a result of the partnerships we have built over the years, Amana Market has undertaken various projects that have resulted in […]